Contextual Engineering Design Predictive Tool

This tool is designed to help you identify non-engineering conditions that should be considered in designing and implementing a contextually engineered infrastructure for sustainability and durability. Engineers Without Borders-USA has encouraged its project teams to use the tool to gain a better understanding of design conditions and context.

Checklist of Contextual Influences

The Survey predictive tool provides you with a list of 41 questions (rated on a 5-point Likert scale) to evaluate relative influences of critical non-engineering conditions for the community with which you’re working. The influences under consideration are cultural, political, educational, technical and economic, but the questions you answer may assess multiple conditions. These questions are for YOU to answer, and looking more deeply at your client community to learn the answers for yourself will help you to better understand the values, beliefs and identities that determine whether a society will accept, adopt and evolve the infrastructure you design. 

Survey Report

After you complete the survey tool and return it to this website, you’ll receive a report that provides you with a matrix of community scores, country weights and resulting relative influences, along with design guidelines for your specific set of relative influences. 

Download the Tool

Click the Create an Account button below to access the License Agreement for the tool. As soon as you accept the License Agreement, you’ll be able to download the Survey Tool as a Microsoft Excel file and get to work with your client community. To begin, find your country’s National Life Expectancy (NLE) on the second sheet of the workbook and enter the value in the National Life Expectancy table on the main Community sheet (Cell H6). This will give you a guideline for assessing apparent-age questions in the Checklist itself.

Using the Tool

To begin, find your country’s National Life Expectancy (NLE) on the second sheet of the workbook and enter the value in the National Life Expectancy table on the main Community sheet (Cell H6). This will give you a guideline for assessing apparent-age questions in the Checklist itself.