Sadia Kabbo

Sadia is a first-year M.S. student in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering studying Contextual Engineering. Her thesis research is focused on the economic impact on rural communities resulting from climate change by inspecting U.S. farming communities and how context governs decision-making in agriculture to affect community practices and economies. Basically, identifying the context that influences behavior can be difficult for policymakers who seek to understand and anticipate the response of rural farming communities to the amplifying impacts of global climate change. Specifically, she aims to investigate the characteristics of central Illinois rural farming communities, and how they may be expected to interact with introduced conditions, including technology, climate impacts, organizational dynamics, and changing culture to identify the community’s context and identity.

Sadia received her B.Sc. in Industrial and Production Engineering from the Rajshahi University of Engineering Technology (RUET), Bangladesh. She was an active coordinator of the RUET IPE club, and she received Technical Scholarship from RUET & was awarded a merit scholarship from Dhaka Board for extraordinary results in S.S.C and H.S.C. in the years 2013 & 2015.