Our Partners

Current Collaborators and Affiliates

  • National Science Foundation, US

  • Bodaway Gap Chapter, Navajo Nation

  • Humanity & Hope United Foundation, Honduras

  • US Army Corps of Engineers, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

  • US Embassy in Bolivia, US Dept. of State

  • Paducah Power System, Paducah, KY

  • Universidad Privada Boliviana, Cochabamba, Bolivia

  • Royal Scientific Society, Jordan

  • Fundación Ingenieros en Acción, Bolivia and Ecuador

  • American Water Works Association, Community Engineering Corps

  • University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

  • Koalisation, Italy

  • Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada

  • Village of Hopkins Park, Illinois


The Contextual Engineering Research Group welcomes collaborators to join us in redefining the process for delivering robust infrastructure solutions throughout the world, particularly in areas where rural residents struggle to maintain their indigenous lifestyles and agrarian identities.

Whether you’re interested in participating in international design, researching processes and projects undertaken for non-industrialized societies, funding projects that are designed using the Contextual Engineering process, or creating appropriate technology to support infrastructure interventions, you’re welcome here.

Our team is adept at working with new ideas and exploring interrelationships between engineering and disciplines ranging from sociology to community health to atmospheric sciences to urban planning. Whatever context you bring to the table, we invite you to join the effort to make technology and technical design more responsive to the needs and conditions of the population for whom they are intended.

Please contact CERG at contextual-engineering@illinois.edu for more information about how you can become involved.